
投票結果 (你會唔會買指數掛鉤基金?)

投票結果 (你會唔會買指數掛鉤基金?)

會 6 (37%)
唔會 10 (62%)

Votes so far: 16

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Dr. Gary D. Halbert
"Buy-And-Hold" Bites The Dust - Now What?

"'Index investing' is growing like wildfire among investors today…And it’s no wonder why. The allure of a simple, low-cost investment strategy tied to market indices that have been shown to grow over long periods of time sounds irresistible…The main problem is that Wall Street’s ad machine is only telling half of the story. They often use historical time periods that are far longer than what most people have to invest, and they also fail to disclose how much an investor might lose in a bear market or major correction.”